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Англо-русский химический словарь - elastic


Связанные словари

Перевод с английского языка elastic на русский


• эластик

• эластичный

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См. в других словарях

  упругий; эластичный; гибкийimperfectly elasticperfectly elastic ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  упругий, эластичный ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  нестрого сформулированный ...
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь
   1. adj.  1) эластичный; гибкий и упругий - elastic limit  2) гибкий; приспособляющийся - elastic rule  3) быстро оправляющийся (от огорчения, переживаний) - elastic conscience Syn: see adaptable  2. noun  1) резинка (шнур)  2) резинка, подвязка ELASTIC conscience легко успокаивающаяся совесть ELASTIC limit tech. предел упругости ELASTIC rule правило, которое можно по-разному толковать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. резинка, ластик 2. резинка (для вздержки); резиновая жилка; прорезиненный шнур; прорезиненная тесьма 3. эластичный, упругий; пружинящий rubber is elastic —- резина эластична an elastic step —- пружинящий шаг elastic bandage —- мед. гибкая шина, эластичная повязка elastic stocking —- мед. резиновый чулок elastic tissue —- анат. эластичная соединительная ткань elastic web —- текст. эластичная прорезиненная ткань elastic limit —- тех. предел упругости 4. гибкий, растяжимый elastic rules —- нестрогие правила elastic resolution —- "резиновая" (нечетко сформулированная) резолюция elastic clause —- ам. "резиновый пункт" конституции США (об обязанностях конгресса) elastic currency —- ам. эластичное денежное обращение 5. быстро оправляющийся (от удара, горя) an elastic temperament —- неунывающий характер ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  эластичный; упругий ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) упругий, эластичный 2) эластик ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  упругий linearly elastic ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 able to resume its normal bulk or shape spontaneously after contraction, dilatation, or distortion. 2 springy. 3 (of a person or feelings) buoyant. 4 flexible, adaptable (elastic conscience). 5 Econ. (of demand) variable according to price. 6 Physics (of a collision) involving no decrease of kinetic energy. --n. elastic cord or fabric, usu. woven with strips of rubber. Phrases and idioms elastic band = rubber band (see RUBBER(1)). Derivatives elastically adv. elasticity n. elasticize v.tr. (also -ise). Etymology: mod.L elasticus f. Gk elastikos propulsive f. elauno drive ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: New Latin ~us, from Late Greek elastos ductile, beaten, from Greek elaunein to drive, beat out; probably akin to Greek elythe he went, Old Irish luid  Date: 1674  1.  a. of a solid capable of recovering size and shape after deformation  b. relating to or being a collision between particles in which the total kinetic energy of the particles remains unchanged  2. capable of recovering quickly especially from depression or disappointment my ~ spirits revived — Wilkie Collins  3. capable of being easily stretched or expanded and resuming former shape ; flexible an ~ bandage  4.  a. capable of ready change or easy expansion or contraction ; not rigid or constricted an ~ concept  b. receptive to new ideas ; adaptable an ~ mind  • ~ally adverb Synonyms:  ~, resilient, springy, flexible, supple mean able to endure strain without being permanently injured. ~ implies the property of resisting deformation by stretching an ~ waistband. resilient implies the ability to recover shape quickly when the deforming force or pressure is removed a resilient innersole. springy stresses both the ease with which something yields to pressure and the quickness of its return to original shape the cake is done when the top is springy. flexible applies to something which may or may not be resilient or ~ but which can be bent or folded without breaking flexible plastic tubing. supple applies to something that can be readily bent, twisted, or folded without any sign of injury supple leather.  II. noun  Date: 1847  1.  a. easily stretched rubber usually prepared in cords, strings, or bands  b. rubber band  2.  a. an ~ fabric usually made of yarns containing rubber  b. something made from this fabric ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. Elastic is a rubber material that stretches when you pull it and returns to its original size and shape when you let it go. Elastic is often used in clothes to make them fit tightly, for example round the waist. ...a piece of elastic. N-UNCOUNT 2. Something that is elastic is able to stretch easily and then return to its original size and shape. Beat it until the dough is slightly elastic. ADJ 3. If ideas, plans, or policies are elastic, they are able to change to suit new circumstances or conditions as they occur. ...an elastic interpretation of the rules of boxing... If export and import demand is elastic, then the change in trade volumes will operate to remove the surplus. = flexible ADJ ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n a type of rubber material that can stretch and then return to its usual length or size  (The ball was attached to the bat with a piece of elastic.) ~2 adj 1 made of elastic  (elastic stockings) 2 a material that is elastic can stretch and then go back to its usual length or size  (Children's bones are far more elastic.) 3 a system or plan that is elastic can change or be changed easily  (Language usage is too elastic to be described using just a few simple rules.) - elasticity n ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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